Progetti Comunità Europea

Tipo Progetto: Erasmus+ Programme – Jean Monnet Activities

Titolo del progetto: EU-MED CLIMATE Summer School

  • Responsabile scientifico: Link identifier #identifier__123424-1Daniela Angelucci
  • Presentazione:
  • In line with the EU’s New Agenda for the Mediterranean key strategic priorities and the Strategy for Sustainable Development for the period 2016-2025 (MSSD), and consistent with the EU climate action and EU holistic approach towards implementing the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Roma Tre University, in collaboration with the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean of the Italian National Research Council, aims to create the EU-MED CLIMATE Summer School open to graduated and postgraduate students in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities. The Summer School aims to be a laboratory where test innovative teaching and learning models contributing for advancement into the systemic knowledge on the issues and challenges that the Mediterranean countries have to face in the 21st century and on the opportunity offered by the New Agenda on the Mediterranean in strengthening cooperation between the European and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries to face these challenges.
  • Members:
    • Università Roma Tre – Italy (Coordinator)
    • ISMED – CNR
  • Specific objectives of the Summer school:
    • 1) to combine theoretical and practical knowledge, offering different kinds of learning activities (lectures, laboratories, and case study analyses);
    • 2) to develop a constructivist learning approach, encouraging the active participation of students in the knowledge process (interactive seminars, thematic dialogue tables);
    • 3) to re-imagine disciplinary boundaries, involving both academics, researchers and scholars with different disciplinary background, and non-academic actors (including social science and humanities, natural sciences, as well as representatives from think tank, ONG, government and inter-governmental organizations);
    • 4) to strengthen the relationship between art and science, through the participation of artists and by utilizing the different forms of art as tools to make the learning process more effective and creative;
    • 5) encourage students’ holistic vision and systemic thinking to understand the complexity of the Mediterranean issues without neglecting the scientific rigor of the individual disciplines;
    • 6) stimulate students’ critical thinking and creative potential combining different ways of knowing – pre-conscious, intuitive and rational – using arts aside natural and social sciences to deepen the insight of questions traditionally approached only through scientific knowledge.
  • The ultimate objective of the training course is to represent a crucial integration to the current academic programs offered by the Roma Tre University contributing to future-oriented academia curricula; nurturing the skills of a new generation of Mediterranean specialists in the fields of culture, arts, education, science, and policy-making, making them capable of envisioning a sustainable and just future for the region, in compliance with the MSSD core vision of ‘A prosperous and peaceful Mediterranean region in which people enjoy a high quality of life and where sustainable development takes place within the carrying capacity of healthy ecosystems’.
  • Maximum Grant Amount   22.390,00 euros
  • Total cost  29.853,00 euros
  • Durata 2022 – 2024

Tipo Progetto: Erasmus+ Programme – Jean Monnet Activities – Jean Monet NETWORK n. 620911 – EPP – 1 2020 – 1 IT – EPPJMO – NETWORK

Titolo del progetto: European Elections Monitoring center 20-23

  • Responsabile scientifico: Link identifier #identifier__113932-2Novelli Edoardo
  • Presentazione:
  • The research project aims at creating an international network (the EEMC20 Network) from four member states (Italy, Greece, Hungary and United Kingdom) focused on the conservation, dissemination, analysis and study of the political campaigns materials created for the European Elections over the years.
  • Members:
    • Università Roma Tre – Italy (Coordinator)
    • Loughborough University – UK
    • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Greece
    • University of Szeged – Hungary
  • Specific objectives of the Network “EEMC20” are:
    • a) to inform the debate about the EU and its integration process and to become a reference point in this research field;
    • b) to increase interest in the visual politics relating to European Parliamentary Elections Campaigns;
    • c) to create a Consortium that will foster cooperation between a network of Research Units belonging to different EU Member States, which successfully collaborated in the project “Platform Europe” – funded by the European Parliament in 2019;
    • d) to support the expansion of the European Election Monitoring Center archive and its actions in studying and documenting European Elections (the EEMC archive currently contains more than 12 thousand electoral campaign items produced during the 2019 EPE by about 400 political parties in each of the 28 Member States);
    • e) to disseminate information and knowledge about the history and evolution of European Elections, the related changing political and cultural contexts, and the different issues that have shaped EU public discourse during this time;
    • f) to promote understanding of the European integration process through the collection, documentation and analysis of electoral related material which collectively provide an invaluable and unique insight into the range of different traditions, cultures and identities within the European Union;
    • g) to foster the participation of young researchers in EU-related work.
  • The “EEMC 20” will become a dedicated reference point for the European Union in terms of the conservation, dissemination and study of  European Parliamentary Election material and, at the same time, will contribute to the promotion of knowledge about the European integration process through the creation of a free archive in which campaign material from every member state will be collected.
  • 1 Outputs:
    • Online Database of Archives: N.100 EU archives contacted (Research Activity 1 – Deliverable 5)
    • Web-archive and website: N.28 Countries, N.497 election campaigns monitored, N. 5000 materials collected and analysed (Research Activity 2,3 – Deliverable 6)
    • N.10 online lessons (Activity 8 – Deliverable 4)
    • Photographic book: about 300 pages and 200 images (Research Activity 2,3 – Deliverable 1)
    • 2 publications (Research Activity 2,3 – Deliverable 2,3)
  • 2 Outcomes:
    • Raising awareness of the EU integration process;
    • Increasing knowledge about the evolution of European Parliamentary Elections campaigns;
    • Helping reduce the remoteness of the European Union from EU citizens;
    • Reinforcing a sense of European citizenship;
    • Promoting the analysis and an increase in the quality of European political communication;
    • Promoting analysis of visual politics and political communication within the field of European studies;
    • Encouraging interest and active participation in EU issues among citizens, university students, scholars and young professionals;
    • Reinforcing the documentation of the European History and its memory.
  • Finanziamento 296.809,44
  • Totale progetto: 3710.11,80
  • Durata 2020 – 2023
Link identifier #identifier__155628-3Link identifier #identifier__18967-4Link identifier #identifier__136420-5Link identifier #identifier__4701-6
Francesca Vaino 02 Luglio 2024