Philosophy and Madness: From Kant to Hegel and Beyond
Link identifier #identifier__116977-1Rome, May 30th -31st, 2019
The conference Link identifier #identifier__77407-2Philosophy and Madness: from Kant to Hegel and Beyond aims to reflect on mental illness from Kant’s anthropological writings to Hegel’s Philosophy of Spirit, by considering the influence that criticism and German idealism have exerted on the philosophical, scientific and psychoanalytical orientations of the twentieth century still perceptible today. The aim of the conference is, therefore, not only to offer to nowadays cultural and scientific debate the analysis of undetected aspects of classical German philosophy but also to shed light on subjects and issues present in the current philosophical, psychiatric and scientific investigation.
Husserls Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie
Link identifier #identifier__52099-3Convegno husserliano Link identifier #identifier__116577-4Husserls Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie organizzato dalla prof.ssa Mariannina Failla (Università Roma Tre) e cofinanziato dal DAAD (Germania), dall’università di Cagliari e da quella di Palermo. Il Convegno ha il patrocinio della SFI sez. Romana e si è svolto dal 21 al 23 febbraio 2019 – Aula 16 e Aula Matassi (Via Ostiense, 234 – 236, Università degli Studi Roma Tre)