Progetti Comunità Europea conclusi

Tipo Progetto:  Grant Events category COMM/SUBV/2018/E/0147

Progetto delle Istituzioni Europee

Titolo del progetto: Platform Europe

  • Responsabile scientifico: Link identifier #identifier__5619-1Novelli Edoardo
  • Presentazione: Platform Europe is an international research project led by University Roma Tre and funded by the European Parliament. The targets of Platform Europe are:
    • to create an on-line European Elections Monitoring Center, EEMC;
    • to promote 28 European workshops on the European election and its electoral campaign;
    • to establish a European network of scholars and students of political communication and election campaigns.
  • The aims of the European Election Monitoring Center, EEMC, are:
    • to promote the diffusion of and knowledge about the electoral debate in the European election campaign;
    • to improve the transnational circulation of the electoral materials produced in the different nations;
    • to allow European citizens to access and compare the different national European campaigns;
    • to improve the study and knowledge of European political communication, political cultures, and political history.
  • Documents and data available in the EEMC are part of a wider international research project started at Roma Tre University in 2009 and continued in 2014, focussing on the analysis of political communication in the European election campaigns. The 2019 research involves around fifty University and Research centers and more than a hundred scholars and researchers (see the complete lists in the bottoms above).
    In the EEMC, researchers collect and nalyse thousands of election artifacts produced in the four weeks before the vote – from Sunday 28th of April to Sunday 26th of May 2019 – from around three hundred European political parties. Particular attention is also paid to the top candidates (Spitzenkandidaten), appointed by the European political parties for the role of Commission President, monitoring their supranational election campaigns.
    For the first time, the 2019 edition of the research also takes into account the social networks and monitors the official Facebook accounts of the 200 European political parties most relevant in terms of votes. In the absence of the official Facebook page of the political parties, the official pages of their leaders or of the main candidates were picked for the analysis. All the contents published during the 4 weeks before the vote by the two hundred Fb accounts monitored, are automatically collected by an automatic platform and pre-tagged on the basis of a list of keywords. Then, the content related to the European elections are selected and nalysed by the researchers.
  • Sito web Link identifier
  • Finanziamento: 120.000 Euro. Tot. Progetto 150.000 Euro
  • Durata: 17-11-2018 / 31-08-2019

Tipo Progetto: Erasmus+ Programme – Jean Monnet Activities – Jean Monet Project n. 600309-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPJMO

Titolo del progetto: Vote for Europe 2019

  • Responsabile scientifico: Link identifier #identifier__196462-3Novelli Edoardo
  • Presentazione: “VOTE FOR EUROPE – 2019” aims to encourage active participation to the election and to promote consciousness about EU institutions, the quality and the traits of EU’s electoral and political communication among citizens, young journalists, professionals, high level students and scholars. The project is promoted by the Chair of Political Communication of Roma Tre University, the Italian Association of Political Communication, the Italian Council of the European Movement, the European Youth Press, the University of Turin.
  • The European election campaign 2019 are pivotal moments in the life of political parties and offers moments for debate and confrontation between different ideas of citizenship and concepts of the EU as underlined by as expressed in the Treaty of Lisbon (art. 8) and the guidelines for “practical arrangements for the holding of the European elections in 2014”.
  • Within the framework of the upcoming European elections 2019 and the fortieth anniversary of European elections VOTE FOR EUROPE-2019 aims to develop:
    • The active participation in the EU debate and in the vote among scholars, young researchers, high level students, young journalists and citizens;
    • A better European citizenship;
    • The dissemination and knowledge of the issues and the political debate developed during the election campaign 2019 in the different countries of the Union in order to facilitate transnational comparison and confrontation
    • The quality of the European electoral information and political communication;
    • The theoretical and practical analysis of political communication in the EU;
    • New perspectives and approaches to the study of identity, citizenship and political cultures in the EU;
    • The convergence among different fields of studies on EU political communication to favour a multidisciplinary approach to the study of EU subjects.
  • Sito web: Link identifier
  • Finanziamento: 60.000 Euro. Tot. Progetto 80.000.
  • Durata: 01-09-2018 / 31-08-2020

Tipo Progetto: Horizon 2020 CLISEL Project

Titolo del progetto: e-learning course on Climate Security

  • Responsabile scientifico: Proff. Careri, Link identifier #identifier__199806-5Angelucci, Link identifier #identifier__117232-6Gentili, Link identifier #identifier__22505-7Giardini – Master “Studi del territorio-Environmental Humanities”, Università Roma tre /Prof. Elisa Fornalé – World Trade Institute, University of Bern
  • Presentazione: Modulo on line “Sicurezza climatica” – Master “Studi del territorio-Environmental Humanities
  • Finanziamento: 7.500 euro
  • Durata: Il finanziamento è relativo al Modulo “Sicurezza climatica” del Master  Studi del Territorio – Environmental Humanities, il cui periodo di svolgimento è stato dall’1 al 15 marzo 2019 – Link identifier #identifier__125545-8

Tipo Progetto: Rete di Eccellenza

Titolo del progetto: SSPNet (Social Signal Processing Network)

  • Sito web Link identifier
  • Coordinatore Europeo: Alessandro Vinciarelli (University of Glasgow)
  • Responsabile scientifico per Roma Tre: Link identifier #identifier__188254-10Isabella Poggi (afferente prima al Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione di Roma Tre, poi al Dipartimento di Filosofia Comunicazione e Spettacolo)
  • Membri dell’unità Roma Tre: Link identifier #identifier__19018-11Francesca D’Errico, Laura Vincze
  • Presentazione: The ability to understand and manage social signals of a person we are communicating with is the core of social intelligence. Social intelligence is a facet of human intelligence that has been argued to be indispensable and perhaps the most important for success in life. Although each one of us understands the importance of social signals in everyday life situations, and in spite of recent advances in machine analysis and synthesis of relevant behavioural cues like blinks, smiles, crossed arms, laughter, etc., the research efforts in machine analysis and synthesis of human social signals like empathy, politeness, and (dis)agreement, are few and tentative.
  • The main reasons for this are the absence of a research agenda and the lack of suitable resources for experimentation. The mission of the SSPNet is to create a sufficient momentum by integrating an existing large amount of knowledge and available resources in Social Signal Processing (SSP) research domains including cognitive modelling, machine understanding, and synthesizing social behaviour, and so:
    • enable creation of the European and world research agenda in SSP,
    • provide efficient and effective access to SSP-relevant tools and data repositories to the research community within and beyond the SSPNet,
    • further develop complementary and multidisciplinary expertise necessary for pushing forward the cutting edge of the research in SSP.
  • The collective SSPNet research effort will be directed towards integration of existing SSP theories and technologies, and towards identification and exploration of potentials and limitations in SSP. A particular scientific challenge that binds the partners is the synergetic combination of human-human interaction models and tools for human behaviour sensing and synthesis within socially-adept multimodal interfaces.
  • The specific goal of Roma Tre Unit, along with Geneve (Switzerland) and Goteborg (Sweden) one of the three research units made of Social Scientists, as opposed to the other (London, UK; Edinburgh, Scotland; Belfast, Ireland; Geneve, Switzeland; Delft, Holland), all made of Computer Scientists, was to provide a conceptual framework of social signals and qualitative analyses of social signals in the context of political debates. Thanks to the European funding Roma Tre Unit, enrolling Francesca D’Errico and Laura Vincze as post-doc Researchers, produced more than 50 papers, concerning signals of agreement and disagreement, conflict, discredit, dominance, as well as the stances of certainty and uncertainty, vagueness, precision and imprecision, one Special Issue on Social Signals, and two books of proceedings on Political Speech and Communication in Conflict.
  • Finanziamento dell’intero progetto: € 6.268.000,00
  • Finanziamento dell’Unità Roma Tre: € 248.582,00
  • Durata: 1 Febbraio 2009 – 31 Gennaio 2014
  • (dall’1 gennaio 2013 il progetto è stato trasferito dal Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione al Dipartimento di Filosofia, Comunicazione e Spettacolo).
Link identifier #identifier__195696-12Link identifier #identifier__114006-13Link identifier #identifier__169016-14Link identifier #identifier__180369-15
Francesca Vaino 02 Luglio 2024