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Projects under DM 630/2024
Project title: Generative Artificial Intelligence and tools for the semantic management of editorial contents.
The research project envisages 1) a first phase of comparative analysis of best practices, tools and potentials related to the use of generative AI in the publishing field, with particular attention to the sector of educational content, related platforms and descriptive ontologies, and 2) a phase of design and experimentation of original solutions for the customisation, semantic description, accessibility and qualitative improvement of such contents. All the phases of the work will be carried out using as a case study the management of contents relating to the teaching of philosophy in upper secondary schools, while at the same time verifying the possibility of extending the results thus achieved also to contents relating to other disciplines, school orders and grades, and to the university sphere. Specific attention will be paid to the issue of overcoming gender bias within the teaching contents intended for upper secondary schools and universities. The use of generative artificial intelligence in the semantic field is in fact linked to the most recent theoretical and experimental scientific research in the field of cognitive sciences and philosophy of language. Collaboration on these topics will also be possible with the CoSMIC Lab (Cognition and Social Multimodal Interaction and Communication Laboratory) of the Department University Roma Tre.
Candidates are required to demonstrate:
- competence in philosophical-linguistic research and/or artificial intelligence research and editorial activity;
- adequate knowledge of English;
- a research project not exceeding, under penalty of exclusion, 15,000 characters (spaces, title, abstract, notes included). Bibliography is excluded from the 15,000-character count.
The project must take place:
- in the premises of the Doctorate in Philosophy at Roma Tre;
- 12-month scientific training period at the Italian company Mr. Digital s.r.l.
- 6-month training and scientific research period at foreign research institutions.
Projects under DM 118/2023
TITLE 1 – Digital Critical Editions (ECD)
- Digitize texts or manuscripts from the early or second modernity in philosophy and science, incorporating biographical, textual, and linguistic sources (PNRR Mission 4 Component 1 and DM 118 02.03.2023 art. 8, 1, a, b, c, d and art. 9, 1 a, b, c, d).
- Disseminate scientific-philosophical content according to “Open Science” and “Fair Data” principles (DM 118 02.03.2023 art. 8, 1, f and art. 9, 1 f).
- Train highly specialised staff with interdisciplinary skills for Public Administration, Public digital publishing, highly qualified Public Research Institutions, and/or Public libraries (PNRR Investment 3.4 and 4.1 and DM 118 02.03.2023 art. 7, 1a, art. 8, 1,a and art. 9, 1,a).
TITLE 2 – Multisensory Storytelling. A Digital Approach to Enhancing Human Communication Skills
The project fits in the thematic area concerning PNRR research PhD programs, specifically in relation to the intervention line that supports the research and innovation process by strengthening the research and technology transfer system (PNRR investment 3.4 “Advanced university teaching and knowledge” and DM 118 art. 8, 1, a). The project aims to open new lines of research related to cognitive-philosophical, application-scientific, and experimental problems: visual perception and the nature of language and communication. The specific objective of the project is to create digital tools for sensory enhancement (TUI): an innovative tool aimed at integrating the multisensory experience starting from the combination of a virtual environment with the manipulation of real and tangible objects.
Projects under DM 117 /2023
Title 1: Prosopography of Italian Scientists: Sources, Content, and Data
The project contributes to the launch of the Digital Archive of Italian Scientists (ADSI).
The ADSI enhances the Italian scientific knowledge heritage and provides tools for research on Italian science and the biographies of Italian scientists following the criteria set out in art 7 paragraph 4/h of DM 117.
The ADSI collaborates with the ILIESI-CNR Institution-Enterprise, the Italian Society of the History of Science and the Galilei Museum in Florence. The ADSI is part of the “Digital Transformation” mission, as per EU Regulation 2021/241, art. 3, particularly 12 of the premises, intervention field “021bis” (Annex VII). As provided by DM117, it concerns disciplinary and thematic areas consistent with the country’s needs, contributing to the preparation of researchers in the field of knowledge organization (C2 “From Research to Enterprise” of Mission 4 “Education and Research” supporting R&D investments and Investment Line 3.3) and the production of Open Science and Fair Data scientific content (art 7 paragraph 4/h of DM 117).
Title 2: Classification of Scientific Concepts: Foundation for Automated Recognition and Analysis
The project is part of the “Digital Transformation” mission, as per EU Regulation 2021/241, art. 3; particularly point 12 of the premises and refers to the intervention field “021bis” (Annex VII). The research defines advanced data analysis techniques and statistical text analysis, in a field where the innovation brought by these tools is not yet adequately developed (PNRR C2 “From Research to Enterprise” of Mission 4 “Education and Research” supporting R&D investments and Investment Line 3.3). The project: a) prepares researchers in the field of knowledge organization and the production of Open Science and Fair Data scientific content (art 7 paragraph 4/h of DM 117) and promotes a pervasive digital culture, locally distributed and globally interconnected as a global ecosystem; b) strengthens the participation of the ILIESI-CNR Entity-Enterprise in the pan-European network that produces and disseminates methodological and technological innovation in the field of the history of thought and the study of the technical terminology of sciences and intellectual disciplines (art. 7 paragraph 4/f DM 117).
Title 3: Holocene Refugia in Italy: Theories and Practices of Multispecies Resistance in the Anthropocene
The project combines natural sciences and Environmental Humanities, investigating the presence of Holocene Resurgence sites in Italy. In line with the ecological transition envisaged by the PNRR objectives (Mission 2: “Green revolution and ecological transition and Investment Line 3.3), the project aims to understand this transition as a multispecies ecological transformation to map it across the Italian territory, collaborating with the Science Museum of Trento.