PhD in Philosophy at Roma Tre University

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PhD in Philosophy

Project Description

The PhD in Philosophy at Roma Tre University renews its accreditation for the 39th cycle as an autonomous doctoral course (DM 226/2021 – Non-associated Doctorate, art. 3, paragraphs 1 and 3) – Piano Nazionale Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) Missione 4, “Istruzione e Ricerca” Componente 2, “Dalla ricerca all’impresa” Investimento 3.1, “Fondo per la realizzazione di un sistema integrato di infrastrutture di ricerca e innovazione” Progetto H2IOSC CUP B63C22000730005.

According to recent developments in international research, the Doctorate in Philosophy at Roma Tre aims to meet high-level cultural needs that are different but complementary:

  • promoting the autonomous cultural heritage of philosophical studies, which is broadly articulated and rooted in a tradition of high scientific value at both national and international levels.
  • enhancing the interdisciplinary vocation of philosophy by fostering synergies with other theoretical, technical-scientific, political-economic, and environmental knowledges.

For this purpose, the PhD in Philosophy at Roma Tre provides a high-level research skills and a high-level environment on:

  • International research and teaching collaborations with Tufts UniversityMedford, Massachusetts, and with Radboud University – Nijmegen, Netherlands.
  • Research collaborations with Italian and foreign universities and/or research institutions aimed at the joint organization of advanced research and high-level educational activities: seminars, joint supervision (incoming and outgoing), doctoral visits to research Centers (Laboratoire Sophiapol – Unité de recherche en sociologie, philosophie et anthropologie politiques, Université Paris-Nanterre; Praktische Philosophie und Philosophie der Antike, Institut für Philosophie, Bonn Universität; John Bell Institute for the Foundations of Physics; Institut d’Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités ENS-LYON) and in Laboratories for highly qualified experimental activities (Centre for Language Evolution Studies – Nicolaus Copernicus University – Torun, Poland; Radical Environmental Humanities Laboratory – Prof. Marco Armiero – Institut d’Història de la Ciència – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
  • Link identifier #identifier__117597-2Agreement on the establishment of a joint doctoral scientific partnership program/ Accord sur l’établissement d’un programme conjoint de partenariat scientifique doctoral between the PhD in Philosophy at Roma Tre and the Ecole doctorale of the Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2022-2025);  the partnership agreement includes bilateral co-supervision contracts for double degrees and bilateral participation in the educational programs of the two doctoral courses (see Agreement articles 2-10, Annex 1 and Annex 2 Convention de co-tutelle de thèse/joint supervision agreement).
  • Link identifier #identifier__181583-3Collaboration Agreement (2022-2025) with the Institute for the European Intellectual Lexicon (ILIESI-CNR-Rome) to promote the acquisition of new and advanced methodologies in historical-philosophical, historical-scientific, and lexicographical research (Digital Humanities) (art. 2 paragraph 1 a and b) and to activate funding for the PhD in Philosophy at Roma Tre for particularly interesting doctoral research projects (art. 2 paragraph 1 c).
  • Link identifier #identifier__127186-4Collaboration agreement (2022-2025) with the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (ISMED-CNR Naples) for professional training in the field of integrated philosophical research on the Environment, for consulting archives and using facilities (art. 2 paragraphs 1 a and 2 a) and to activate funding for the PhD in Philosophy at Roma Tre for particularly interesting research projects (art. 2 paragraphs 1c and 1 d).
  • PhD in Philosophy at Roma Tre has highly qualified departmental and university facilities for doctoral education.

Currently, both the human resources and the means and facilities of the Department can ensure the study and in-depth examination of the themes that traditionally constitute its philosophical history, as well as the identification of new areas of investigation in the experimental scientific field (CosmicLab – Cognition, Social Multimodal Interaction & Communication Laboratory) and in the socio-environmental field (Environmental Humanities).

Course Objectives

The main aim of the doctoral course is to train high skilled professionals for research activities in both public and private sectors, able to plan and conduct pure and applied research programs that consider not only philosophical themes and problems, the history of ideas but also the relationship of philosophy with natural and cognitive empirical sciences and with socio-environmental sciences. Therefore, the PhD provides two curricula:

  1. Philosophy and Empirical Sciences
  2. History of Philosophy and Critical Thought

 Curriculum Description

Analytical Philosophy and Empirical Sciences

Relevant Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSD)

M-FIL/0 – M-FIL/02 – M-FIL/03 – M-FIL/05 – M-STO/05

This curriculum focuses on the study of the link between philosophy and empirical sciences, particularly regarding the identification, analysis, and potential resolution of issues of theoretical-philosophical relevance. Methodologically, priority is given to an epistemological-conceptual analytical approach, with particular attention to the philosophy of natural sciences, cognitive and neurocognitive sciences and their historical development. Topics covered include the relationship between the human world and nature, the metaphysics of empirical sciences, the mind-body problem, the study of language and human and animal communication systems, the link between naturalism and normativity, the relationship between rationality and emotions.

Candidates for this curriculum are required to have a good knowledge of English, the ability to understand contemporary philosophical texts of analytical-scientific nature, willingness to travel abroad for training periods and the ability to rigorously organize their research.

The objective of this curriculum is to train researchers capable of rigorously analysing philosophically complex problems and proposing original, well-structured argumentative positions according to international standards.

Curriculum Description

Curriculum in History of Philosophy and Critical Thought

Relevant Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSD)

 M-FIL/01 – M-FIL/03 – M-FIL/04 – M-FIL/06 – M-FIL/07 – SPS/01

This curriculum focuses on the synergy between historical-philosophical research and critical analysis of philosophical concepts and problems. Methodologically, it involves the improving  of skills in philological research, textual hermeneutics and the most advanced Digital Humanities technologies for developing significant research in: a) the history of philosophical ideas from antiquity to the contemporary era, b) debates in the ethical-political field, from biopolitics to theories of conflict and socio-environmental issues, c) developments in aesthetics, not limited to the theory of the arts but also considered as access to questions of nature and landscape d) investigations into corporeality, gender studies, and research on passions as agents of behavior and social conduct rules.

Candidates for this curriculum are required to have a good language skills: for research projects on Greek, late imperial and medieval thought, knowledge of Greek and Latin is essential.

All candidates are required to have:

  • adequate language skills adequate for rigorous exegesis of textual sources planned in the research project;
  • willingness to travel abroad for training periods;
  • ability to rigorously organize their research.

The objective of this curriculum is to train researchers capable of tackling philosophically complex problems with historical-exegetical accuracy and critical-analytical ability, proposing original, well-structured argumentative positions according to international standards.

The doctoral program in Philosophy at Roma Tre aims to promote the independent cultural heritage of philosophical studies, which is extensively articulated and rooted in a tradition of high scientific value and to enhance the interdisciplinary vocation of philosophy by fostering synergies with other theoretical, scientific, and practical fields, in accordance with recent developments in international research. To this end, the thematic areas of training and scientific activities that the doctoral course intends to prioritize are:

  • essential themes and problems of theoretical philosophy and metaphysics in interaction with formal and natural science;
  • advanced theoretical and experimental research in the field of philosophy of language and philosophy of mind;
  • methodologies of historical-philosophical and theoretical research for the reconstruction and critique of ancient, modern, and contemporary sources;
  • topics in theoretical and applied ethics, political and social philosophy with particular reference to problems in the philosophy of social and environmental sciences;
  • research in the aesthetic and environmental fields and their interactions with the literary and artistic world.

The Academic Board (Italian and foreign members) of all areas of philosophical research covered by the two curricula ensures to PhD students an highly specialized guidance in their research projects and facilitates contacts for visiting periods (6 and/or 12 months) or co-supervision (12 and/or 18 months) with scholars and research foreign centres.

The PhD course aims to develop competitive scientific research skills at both national and international levels according to the quality assurance standards in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), adhering to the evaluation criteria established by the home university and defining internal procedures for the continuous evaluation and monitoring of doctoral training:

  • periodic evaluation of training projects,
  • annual transition tests (presentation to the Academic Board, including both Italian and foreign members, on the state of the art of the research project),
  • writing papers (with assessment),
  • international seminars – doctoral days open to Italian and foreign scholars outside the Academic Board and dedicated to PhD research discussion.
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Francesca Vaino 06 September 2024